Reset Wellness Experience

Creating a space for individuals that want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By a way of nutritious eating habits, physical activity and a positive mindset. Learning ways to develop into a more authentic version of yourself while living in your purpose with love and joy.

Let Me Support You On Your Journey


Meal Prep

Wellness Coach

Let Me Support

You On

Your Journey


Meal Prep

Wellness Coach


Yoga can provide so many benefits towards developing a positive mindset as well as promoting self- confidence. Your practice begins the moment you show up on your mat. Removing any judgment or expectations and allowing yourself 100% acceptance for the commitment to become creative and connect with your mind, body and spirit. Setting an intention for your practice and giving up what you think you know while creating space for something new.

Being kind to yourself is one of the greatest forms of self-care, it also gives you the opportunity to show kindness and compassion for others. Being healthy without pushing yourself to the limit and slowing down to become stronger in the body as well as the mind. How will you show up for you in times of struggle or times of bliss? Although the future may be unseen, and life may have uncertainties the time is now to begin again. Reset, Refresh, Reconnect and Reevaluate how you can become the better version of you!


Yoga can provide so many benefits towards developing a positive mindset as well as promoting self- confidence. Your practice begins the moment you show up on your mat. Removing any judgment or expectations and allowing yourself 100% acceptance for the commitment to become creative and connect with your mind, body and spirit. Setting an intention for your practice and giving up what you think you know while creating space for something new.

Being kind to yourself is one of the greatest forms of self-care, it also gives you the opportunity to show kindness and compassion for others. Being healthy without pushing yourself to the limit and slowing down to become stronger in the body as well as the mind. How will you show up for you in times of struggle or times of bliss? Although the future may be unseen, and life may have uncertainties the time is now to begin again. Reset, Refresh, Reconnect and Reevaluate how you can become the better version of you!

Meal Prep

Having a plan for your what you are going to eat is so imperative for a healthy lifestyle. The way we eat is primarily based on mindset. The way we view food will determine how much effort we put into it. Throughout our lives we spend time planning weddings, birthday celebrations, vacations along with the career paths we would like to lead. Meal prepping will facilitate smarter, more nutritious meal choices. You will become more intentional around what meals you are eating. This will lead to healthier decisions surrounding your day and feeling better about yourself overall.

A person is less likely to waste food when they are planning for the day, week, month and year. When you achieve the goal to save and not waste you are winning. Prepping in advance allows you to lower your grocery bill in ways that you could never imagine.

The temptation around food is reduced and you are less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or meals because you’ve made a commitment to your health and wellness. When you have the ability to have your meals ready to devour when you are hungry you can spend your time on more important things, like spending time with family or treating yourself to a self-care routine. Portion control allows you to create balance with meals and will also support weight management goals.

Meal Prep

Having a plan for your what you are going to eat is so imperative for a healthy lifestyle. The way we eat is primarily based on mindset. The way we view food will determine how much effort we put into it. Throughout our lives we spend time planning weddings, birthday celebrations, vacations along with the career paths we would like to lead. Meal prepping will facilitate smarter, more nutritious meal choices. You will become more intentional around what meals you are eating. This will lead to healthier decisions surrounding your day and feeling better about yourself overall.

A person is less likely to waste food when they are planning for the day, week, month and year. When you achieve the goal to save and not waste you are winning. Prepping in advance allows you to lower your grocery bill in ways that you could never imagine.

The temptation around food is reduced and you are less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or meals because you’ve made a commitment to your health and wellness. When you have the ability to have your meals ready to devour when you are hungry you can spend your time on more important things, like spending time with family or treating yourself to a self-care routine. Portion control allows you to create balance with meals and will also support weight management goals.

Wellness Coaching

Health Coaches build a relationship with their clients by listening closely, asking questions with the intention to bring clarity and awareness within their health and wellness lifestyle. The majority of the work will be done by the client as they begin to observe the thoughts, actions and behavior surrounding their primary and secondary food.

The primary food are all factors that lead up to how we feel around how we eat, what we eat and when we eat. The secondary food involves all meals we eat from our plates. Both foods are controlled by our mindset.

When you also have the opportunity to have a guide and an accountability partner the results are extraordinary. Studies have proven when you work out with a partner or coach it is more likely to achieve your goals while remaining more consistent and disciplined around physical activity. Having a Health Coach allows space to Create the Vision and paint a picture of the best version of yourself as well as all the ways this version could transform your life. Working with a Coach clients are able to uncover any underlying reasons for staying stuck by identifying routines and habits that are causing misaligned behaviors. When these triggers are exposed, you are now allowing the opportunity to interrupt the patterns and break the negative habits that are holding them back from what they desire.

The Change will now begin as we orchestrate a new normal and make the right habits feel like the easy and obvious choice. Lastly, it is time to live the lifestyle of healthy habits as they become integrated, ingrained and now become the transformation. Everything surrounding your mindset regarding food becomes now guided by nourishment and fuel for the mind, body and spirit.

Wellness Coaching

Health Coaches build a relationship with their clients by listening closely, asking questions with the intention to bring clarity and awareness within their health and wellness lifestyle. The majority of the work will be done by the client as they begin to observe the thoughts, actions and behavior surrounding their primary and secondary food.

The primary food are all factors that lead up to how we feel around how we eat, what we eat and when we eat. The secondary food involves all meals we eat from our plates. Both foods are controlled by our mindset.

When you also have the opportunity to have a guide and an accountability partner the results are extraordinary. Studies have proven when you work out with a partner or coach it is more likely to achieve your goals while remaining more consistent and disciplined around physical activity. Having a Health Coach allows space to Create the Vision and paint a picture of the best version of yourself as well as all the ways this version could transform your life. Working with a Coach clients are able to uncover any underlying reasons for staying stuck by identifying routines and habits that are causing misaligned behaviors. When these triggers are exposed, you are now allowing the opportunity to interrupt the patterns and break the negative habits that are holding them back from what they desire.

The Change will now begin as we orchestrate a new normal and make the right habits feel like the easy and obvious choice. Lastly, it is time to live the lifestyle of healthy habits as they become integrated, ingrained and now become the transformation. Everything surrounding your mindset regarding food becomes now guided by nourishment and fuel for the mind, body and spirit.



I love the meals! They are truely made with love. They were Delicious! I don’t have any more leftover and yes I will take this week meals. The chicken was my favorite. I will schedule our Yoga sessions!

Today when I got on the scale it showed that I have lost 7 pounds already. It has only been one month and I know I wouldn’t have been able to do this without your support. Thank you Shakur

Shakur is truly a blessing. She helped to train my daughter and wife with exercises that were fit for them. She helped them create workouts that were suitable individually and together.

I needed my mat today more than it needed me! I made a intention to get there no matter what!