// CSS minification - modified from: https://github.com/GaryJones/Simple-PHP-CSS-Minification/blob/master/minify.php function booster_minify_css($css) { // Normalize whitespace $css = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $css ); // Remove spaces before and after comment $css = preg_replace( '/(\s+)(\/\*(.*?)\*\/)(\s+)/', '$2', $css ); // Remove comment blocks, everything between /* and */, unless preserved with /*! ... */ or /** ... */ $css = preg_replace( '~/\*(?![\!|\*])(.*?)\*/~', '', $css ); // Remove ; before } $css = preg_replace( '/;(?=\s*})/', '', $css ); // Remove space after , : ; { } */ > $css = preg_replace( '/(,|:|;|\{|}|\*\/|>) /', '$1', $css ); // Remove space before , ; { } ) > $css = preg_replace( '/ (,|;|\{|}|\)|>)/', '$1', $css ); // Strips leading 0 on decimal values (converts 0.5px into .5px) $css = preg_replace( '/(:| )0\.([0-9]+)(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}.${2}${3}', $css ); // Strips units if value is 0 (converts 0px to 0) $css = preg_replace( '/(:| )(\.?)0(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}0', $css ); // Converts all zeros value into short-hand $css = preg_replace( '/0 0 0 0/', '0', $css ); // Shorten 6-character hex color codes to 3-character where possible $css = preg_replace( '/#([a-f0-9])\\1([a-f0-9])\\2([a-f0-9])\\3/i', '#\1\2\3', $css ); } return trim($css); My Story - resetwellnessexperience.com

My Story


AS a woman that enjoys using her creativity, yoga, fitness, meal prep, and coaching are just several ways in which I choose to express my craft. Health and wellness have always been a priority in my life as far back as the young age of twelve that I could remember. Having push up competitions with my brothers to joining the track team in middle school. It was always encouraged throughout my childhood to stay strong and eat healthy. I was taught as a little girl, that what you put into your body is what you will get in return from your body. This statement remained true for me throughout my teenage years, and adulthood until the day I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.

ALTHOUGH there was no previous family history of breast cancer in my family, I really feel if I wasn’t so committed to my health and wellness, I wouldn’t have found my lump after completing a Breast Self-Exam after nursing my 11-month daughter. The moment I was told I had breast cancer was the beginning of my journey as a health warrior. It now became a matter of life or death and I wanted to live. After receiving 8 surgeries and completing chemotherapy along with radiation it was now my purpose to continue to serve and support other people while guiding them through nutrition, and physical fitness and creating a mindset to regain their power to become strong and create a lifestyle of confidence and self-love.

AFTER coming to the realization that my body was different it was time for me to shift my mindset around what health and wellness really meant to me. This is when I started to revisit a new way of eating healthy while also healing my mind, body, and spirit. Yoga was first introduced to me when I needed to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Before learning and understanding yoga I knew I needed to give up what thought I knew and really trust my body as I connected with my new normal.

TODAY I’m a certified yoga instructor as well as a Health and Wellness Coach. Working with clients gives me the opportunity to guide them through their health/ wellness journey while focusing on all areas of their lives. They are supported with love and compassion while also keeping them accountable for remaining consistent and disciplined towards their goals. As I also continue to practice consistent Vinyasa yoga over a few years, my life experiences allow me the opportunity to hold space for my clients as they connect to their individuality while developing a plan for growth and integrate new habits while remaining kind in order to become the best version of themselves.

I am a 15-year Cancer Survivor and currently inspire, empower and motivate my community of youth and women whenever the opportunity is presented. My strong and creative personality also allows others to feel safe and connected in a way that keeps me grateful and humble. Each day is a privilege as I am given a second chance to create joy for myself as well as my clients. It is an honor to support others to have a positive outlook both mentally and physically without allowing negative judgments or insecurities interfere with the endless possibilities. As an infant we are born with the confidence that is needed to achieve anything that we desire in our lives. The transformation of the body begins with the mindset. When we remain consistent and disciplined with physical activity and nutritious foods it becomes a reflection of how we look and feel.